Winter Reflection and Review
I. Review your participation
- How many classes or tutoring sessions did you miss?
- How engaged were you in the class?
- Did you complete each of the assigned lectures and workshops?
- Were your drafts completed and turned in on time?
- Did you give your best effort on each assignment?
- How much of the reading did you complete?
- Did you watch all of the films and prepare for discussion?
- How much did you contribute to our peer-review process? Was this your best effort at sharing/helping others?
- How often did you contribute on discussion days? Could you have contributed more to the conversation?
II. Review your work
- Are you proud of the final essay you produced?
- Did you give all of your effort and use all of your ability to research and write your essay?
III. Final grade
Taking into account all of these reflections and self-evaluations, what final grade would you suggest for yourself for this Winter term?